Contact Stephenie Meyer

Contact Stephenie Meyer [Address, Email, Phone, DM, Fan Mail]

Stephenie Meyer Contact Info Quick Reference

Photo of Stephenie Meyer
Frazer Harrison | © 2011 Getty Images | Image courtesy

Stephenie Meyer is a renowned American author best known for her “Twilight” series, which gained immense popularity worldwide and was adapted into a successful film franchise. Born on December 24, 1973, in Hartford, Connecticut, Meyer’s vampire romance novels have sold millions of copies globally and have been translated into various languages. Her work has not only captivated a massive fan base but also significantly impacted popular culture. Meyer’s writing style, characterized by its engaging narrative and imaginative storytelling, continues to resonate with a broad audience, making her one of the most influential authors of the 21st century.

Fan Mail Address:

Stephenie Meyer
c/o United Talent Agency
9336 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Stephenie Meyer's Autograph

How to Send Fan Mail to Stephenie Meyer

If you’re a fan of Stephenie Meyer, sending fan mail is a great way to connect and share your reasons for supporting her work. When sending fan mail, it’s best to include a self-addressed stamped envelope to increase the chances of receiving a reply. You can expect various types of responses, ranging from autographs to hand written responses.

For those seeking autographs, it’s advisable to send something specific to be signed, such as a book or a photo from one of her book signings. This not only personalizes your request but also increases the likelihood of receiving an autographed item in return. If you’re unsure where to start or how to write fan mail, you can use our fan mail generator to help you craft the perfect message. Please refer to the comprehensive contact information provided below for the correct mailing addresses.

Contact Information

Talent Agent Publisher
United Talent Agency (UTA)
+1 310 273 6700 phone
+1 310 247 1111 fax
UTA Plaza
9336 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Hachette Book Group
c/o Author Mail
1290 Avenue Of The Americas
New York NY 10104

Social Media Contacts

For many fans, direct messaging on social media is a more familiar and convenient way to communicate with their favorite authors. Stephenie Meyer is no exception. It’s a strategy that can work as there are a number of authors who have been known to respond to DMs.

If you want to reach out to her, consider sending a message through her official social media accounts for the best chance of getting a response.

Website Fickle Fish Films
Website Fickle Fish Films

Sending Stephenie Meyer Invites for Special Events

If you’re planning a special event like a book club, literary festival, or school event, you can send an invitation to Stephenie Meyer. While it’s unlikely that she will attend, you may receive a congratulatory note or even a small gift from her. For more details, you can read this article.

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